Electron forge maker dmg mac os. 3 with a fix for this issue.

Electron forge maker dmg mac os Actual behavior. Normally this is just a process. dmg、Window自动打包. Under the hood, this uses the codesign utility. Electron Forge can be configured to create distributables in different OS-specific formats (e. If set, all \\ characters are replaced with / in the pattern. background - String Path to the background for the DMG window. The DMG acts like a zip file, but provides an easy way for users to take the app and put it in the @electron-forge/maker-dmg builds . May 14, 2020 · @ibnyusuf that looks like it could be due to this electron-osx-sign bug: electron/osx-sign#196. Some explanations on this: electron core is the real stuff to wrap the web app and run it in a desktop app. ts:17 Dec 12, 2024 · 制造器是 Electron Forge 的一种方法,用于获取您打包的应用程序并生成特定于平台的可分发文件,例如 DMG、EXE 或 Flatpak 文件(以及其他文件)。每个制造器都必须在您 Forge 配置的 makers 部分进行配置,并指定要运行的平台和制造器特定的配置。 例如: 3 days ago · 修改默认 osxSign 配置的一个常见用例是自定义其授权。 在 macOS 中,授权是授予应用某些功能的权限(例如访问相机、麦克风或 USB 设备)。这些权限存储在应用可执行文件的代码签名中的授权文件中。默认情况下,@electron/osx-sign 工具带有一组授权,这些授权应该适用于 MAS 或直接分发目标。 If your Electron app contains binary resources that are already merged with the lipo tool, providing a minimatch pattern to matching files in the x64ArchFiles parameter will prevent @electron/universal from attempting to merge them a second time. 6. js environment. E. Nov 6, 2019 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jul 24, 2024 · 但是electron-forge的配置在单独的一个forge. path' option to determine the location on disk. macOS打包Mac平台运行的程序 按照electron-forge官方教程操作时,用的什么操作系统就会自动检测并打成相应平台的包,所以在 macOS 打包Mac平台运行的程序只需按 正常流程操作即可。但需要注意的是,Mac平台的包只能在MacOS上打包。官方如是说 Oct 4, 2023 · While investigating this issue, I found 2 main things: Firstly, the issue is definitely related to caches. Apr 19, 2024 · Makers must implement this method and return true or false indicating whether this maker can be run on the current platform. 14. json文件,指定应用信息和窗口大小。 最 Dec 12, 2024 · 制造器是 Electron Forge 的一种方法,用于获取您打包的应用程序并生成特定于平台的可分发文件,例如 DMG、EXE 或 Flatpak 文件(以及其他文件)。每个制造器都必须在 Nov 26, 2024 · maker-dmg. Jul 24, 2021 · The React app wrapped in Electron. exports = { packagerConfig: {}, rebuildConfig: {}, // 自动识别平台打包对应平台的安装包【MacOs自动打包. macOS Monterey v12. 11electron-forge:6. icon - String Path to the icon to use for the app in the DMG Nov 26, 2024 · Makers must implement this method and return true or false indicating whether this maker can be run on the current platform. flatpak files, which is a packaging format for Linux distributions that allows for sandboxed installation of applications in isolation from the rest of their system. json文件,指定应用信息和窗口大小。最后,运行appdmg May 24, 2023 · 参考: 打包您的应用程序 | Electron Makers - Electron Forge forge. electron forge make dmg技术、学习、经验文章掘金开发者社区搜索结果。 掘金是一个帮助开发者成长的社区,electron forge make dmg技术文章由稀土上聚集的技术大牛和极客共同编辑为你筛选出最优质的干货,用户每天都可以在这里找到技术世界的头条内容,我们相信你也可以在这里有所 The Flatpak target builds . Note that this makes it impossible to match against paths containing literal glob pattern characters, but allows matching with patterns constructed using path. appdmg was recently patched in version 0. app directory generated by electron-packager. In this script, we used Electron's app and Oct 3, 2022 · Electron Forge version. png will be treated as a high resolution image that has double the DPI intensity. access to the camera, microphone, or USB devices). You must not specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output. 0npm: 6. I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without succ May 17, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读1. config. Jan 14, 2021 · Preflight Checklist I have read the contribution documentation for this project. I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without succ Nov 26, 2024 · Defined in node_modules/electron-wix-msi/lib/creator. Secondly, I noticed the logs of all successful and failed builds were identical until the Cannot find module 'appdmg' except for one detail: native dependencies. @electron-forge/maker-dmg builds . 4k次,点赞4次,收藏10次。【打包】接上回Electron那些事01:起步_uikoo9的专栏-CSDN博客简单介绍了electron,以及做了简单demo使用electron做了一个桌面应用demo,相信大家现在最想做的事情就是将桌面应用打包后发个其他人 Nov 26, 2024 · Whether to package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive format. The app opens, shows a white screen, and crashes in a few seconds. 0. Electron version. For example, if you are building v1. There are two main functionalities exposed via this package: Signing macOS apps via sign functions. When the value is true, it passes the default configuration to the asar module. No response. Either a configuration object for this maker or a simple method that returns such a configuration for a given target architecture Jan 5, 2020 · Electron-forge应用 一、 使用Electron-Forge做应用的缘由 最近遇到一个需求,Web应用登录时要校验用户的登录Mac地址,以确定该用户是在授权过的电脑设备上登录的。没错我傻了,没多想就直接开始做,后面卡到了,这管理端是获取不到的啊,浏览器也限制了获取客户端电脑信息(除了IE Jun 4, 2022 · 8 steps to make your Electron app ready for distribution on Mac OS. For example, if icon. 6. May 13, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读4k次,点赞31次,收藏34次。上篇介绍了 Electron 的基本用法,通过 Electron Builder 打包跨平台应用。本篇将介绍 Electron 更常用也更方便的打包工具 —— Electron Forge。是一个全功能的工具集,专为 Electron 应用的开发、打包和分发 3 days ago · Electron Forge is an all-in-one tool that handles the packaging and distribution of Electron apps. If you want to support different displays with different Nov 26, 2024 · Documentation for Electron Forge. deb packages , which are the standard package format for Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu . Nov 26, 2024 · Specifies the filename template of output files of non-initial chunks on disk. Apr 19, 2024 · A predicate function that, given an absolute file path, returns true if the file should be ignored, or false if the file should be kept. One another thing I noticed (unrelated to your question but maybe you'll find it helpful), electron-notarize will work with your bundled app package, but it won't properly notarize the . Apr 19, 2024 · If you want this maker to run on platforms different from defaultPlatforms you can provide those platforms here Nov 26, 2024 · Whether to package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive format. Background image should be of size 658 × 498. js文件中,但是我没查到在这个文件中怎么配置允许用户选择安装位置,最终改成了electron-builder打包方式。目前我这里的区别是electron-forge可以直接运行程序,electron-builder只能打包程序,其它暂时没有影响。 3 days ago · A common use case for modifying the default osxSign configuration is to customize its entitlements. dmg May 24, 2023 · 但是electron-forge的配置在单独的一个forge. d. pkg 安装程序。Apple 对扁平化安装程序包格式的文档很少。 Sep 15, 2023 · 1. Last known working Electron Forge version. The deb target builds . I agree to follow the code of conduct that this project follows, as appropriate. 5k次,点赞31次,收藏14次。实际上Ant Design Pro和Electron的官网的start已经将各自构建应用的方式讲述的很明白了,本文主要讲解一下在AntDesignPro使用Electron构建一个桌面应用时所遇到的一些需要注意的重点,以及解决方式。 @electron/osx-sign minimizes the extra work needed to eventually prepare your apps for shipping, providing options that work out of the box for most applications. Reasons why you may want to enable this feature include mitigating issues around long path names on Windows, slightly speeding up require, and concealing your source code from cursory inspection. Steps to reproduce 文章浏览阅读4k次,点赞39次,收藏61次。本文介绍了 Electron Forge 的核心概念、模板选择、导入已有项目、依赖包、脚本命令和配置,特别是如何处理打包过程中的问题。它强调了 forge 支持的不同模板和平台,以及如何配置 maker 以创建不同类型 Nov 17, 2022 · Electron Forge is an all-in-one tool that handles the packaging and distribution of Electron apps. We created a main. json manifest will be generated. Any macOS Target. 官方electron项目2. 3 days ago · DMG 目标构建 Apple 磁盘映像 (. platform check but it can be a deeper check for dependencies like fake-root or other required external build tools. resolve() on Windows platforms, Nov 26, 2024 · Categories in which the application should be shown in a menu, used in the Categories field of the desktop specification. To go from your code to the . 3 with a fix for this issue. Windows target over using this one. You can only build the DMG target on macOS machines. Additional configuration is available via its API. 2. Each maker has to be configured in the makers section of your forge configuration with which platforms to run for and the maker specific config. mis Apr 19, 2024 · Documentation for Electron Forge. g. 读入数据总结 前言 将vue项目打包成桌面应用,这里使用的是electron-builder而不使用electron-packager是因为builder相比packager有几个优点: 1,builder可以打包成安装包和可执行文件,而packager只能打包成可执行文件 2,builder打包后会比packager打包的 Apr 18, 2022 · Pre-flight checklist I have read the contribution documentation for this project. I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one Mar 24, 2022 · The issue is due to an outdated version of appdmg in electron-installer-dmg which @electron-forge/maker-dmg depends on. platform 检查,但它可以是对依赖项(如 fake-root 或其他必需的外部构建工具)的更深入检查。如果问题是缺少依赖项,则应输出一条**有帮助的**错误消息,告诉开发人员到底缺少什么,以及如果可能的 . Any subtasks will respect those options so they will be stripped of that properties. name - String - Required The application name. join() and path. Nov 26, 2024 · Variable; Function; Function with type parameter; Type alias; Type alias with type parameter; Interface; Interface with type parameter; Class; Class with type parameter On platforms that have high-DPI support (such as Apple Retina displays), you can append @2x after the image's base filename to mark it as a high resolution image. DMG maker for Electron Forge 6 days ago · We generally recommend using the Squirrel. app or . png is a normal image with standard resolution, then icon@2x. 66. 1 of my-app 3 days ago · Configure Code Signing with Electron Forge Code signing is a security technology that you use to certify that an app was created by you. In contrast, typical deb or RPM installation methods are not sandboxed. dmg) 文件,这是共享 macOS 应用的标准格式。 DMG 类似 Jan 7, 2022 · 本文详细介绍了如何利用 Electron 的 electron-forge 工具和 appdmg npm 包创建Mac应用,并打包成DMG安装文件。 首先,通过npx或yarn创建Electron项目,然后配置appdmg. 3 days ago · Generate a DMG with Electron Forge to distribute your Electron app on macOS. Removing the cache: 'npm' from the workflow consistently triggered the issue. I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without succ Apr 19, 2024 · Functions to be called after your app directory has been copied to a temporary directory. 3 days ago · 出于历史原因,此格式通常被称为 扁平化软件包安装程序。在 Mac OS X Leopard (10. These MSI files are a worse user experience for installation but sometimes it is necessary to build MSI files to appease large-scale enterprise companies with Mar 11, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读5. 16. js的配置 module. Mar 1, 2024 · 对于 Electron 打包的 dmg 文件,有时候浏览器会将其标记为不安全的下载。如果返回了Xcode的路径,那么Xcode已经安装。3、点击dmg安装包下载链接后,浏览器提示“已阻止不安全的下载”,安装软件时提示已损坏。这将打开一个对话框,提示你安装Xcode命令 Nov 26, 2024 · A predicate function that, given an absolute file path, returns true if the file should be ignored, or false if the file should be kept. If you are building an Electron app that you intend to package and distribute, it should be code signed so it does not trigger any operating system security checks. The app should launch without crashing. v21. Expected behavior. Jul 12, 2023 · 导言: 使用Electron开发桌面应用后,我们需要将其打包成适用于不同平台的安装包,例如 Mac 的`dmg`和 Windows 的`exe`。本文将介绍如何使用 Electron-forge 自动生成项目文件,并通过简单的步骤实现打包过程。 Nov 26, 2024 · Parent class has more options where you can also select the and set renderer and non-tty renderer. 5) 之前,安装包组织在分层目录中。OS X Leopard 引入了一种新的扁平化软件包格式,用于现代 . Defined in node_modules/@electron/rebuild/lib/src/rebuild. Operating system. 3k次,点赞8次,收藏8次。因为我是已有的项目了,所以这里我只需要安装并引入electron-forge,虽然我进行配置了项目,但是我为了图省事用了electron框架,所以我必须用electron-builder进行配置打包了,所以这里针对electron-forge的 Apr 19, 2024 · Makers must implement this method and return true or false indicating whether this maker can be run on the current platform. Pre-flight checklist I have read the contribution documentation for this project. electron-forge is the lib to package, release the app. dmg) files, which are the standard format for sharing 导言: 使用Electron开发桌面应用后,我们需要将其打包成适用于不同平台的安装包,例如 Mac 目录: 3 days ago · 使用 Electron Forge 生成 DMG 文件,以便在 macOS 上分发您的 Electron 应用。 DMG 目标构建 Apple 磁盘映像 (. Setting gatekeeper-assess to false is a workaround in that case. js script that runs our main process, which controls our app and runs in a Node. This does not use any of the default ignored files/directories listed for the ignore option. These options applicable for any macOS target. js文件中,但是我没查到在这个文件中怎么配置允许用户选择安装位置,最终改成了electron-builder打包方式。目前我这里的区别是electron-forge可以直接运行程序,electron-builder只能打包程序,其它暂时没有影响。 Nov 5, 2023 · With Electron Forge, you get to use the latest Electron features related to packaging and distributing your apps, all while enabling multi-platform builds out of the box. Start by creating a folder and initializing an npm package. macUpdateManifestBaseUrl should be a path to an object storage bucket where you are storing your release assets. Configuration¶ Notarize Configuration¶ Apr 23, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读1. May 21, 2024 · Pre-flight checklist I have read the contribution documentation for this project. I agree to follow the code of conduct that this project uses. 0-beta. By default, the @electron/osx-sign tool comes with a set of Nov 26, 2024 · Parent class has more options where you can also select the and set renderer and non-tty renderer. js projects. The DMG target builds Apple Disk Image (. Apr 19, 2024 · Parent class has more options where you can also select the and set renderer and non-tty renderer. The top-level mac key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build macOS targets. Jun 25, 2021 · 环境:node: v14. The DMG target builds . dmg) 文件,这是共享 macOS 应用的标准格式。DMG 类似于 ZIP 文件,但为用户提供了一种简单的方法 Create a package for Debian-based Linux distributions for your Electron app, using Electron Forge. . DMG, deb, MSI, etc. 54上手体验初始化一个新的项目 my-appnpx create-electron-app my-appcd my-appnpm start编译打包:npm run make在现有项目中使用将现有的 Nov 26, 2024 · Documentation for Documentation. Jan 7, 2022 · 文章浏览阅读3k次。本文详细介绍了如何利用 Electron 的 electron-forge 工具和 appdmg npm 包创建Mac应用,并打包成DMG安装文件。首先,通过npx或yarn创建Electron项目,然后配置appdmg. The first time you run make with this parameter configured, an architecture-specific RELEASES. ). MacOS: How to code sign and notarize an electron app in 2022? June 4, 2022. dmg volume your users expect, Electron Forge runs three steps: package, make, and publish. This bucket needs to be organized in folders by platform, then architecture. dmg files, which are the standard format for sharing macOS apps. I started to build a desktop app using Electron for my task automation project Apr 19, 2024 · Functions to be called after your app directory has been copied to a temporary directory. 54上手体验初始化一个新的项目 my-appnpx create-electron-app my-appcd my-appnpm start编译打包:npm run make在现有项目中使用将现有的 Electron 项目导入 ELectron Forge 工作流非常直接:cd 4 days ago · Makers are Electron Forge's way of taking your packaged application and making platform specific distributables like DMG, EXE, or Flatpak files (amongst others). Here's the diff of 2 logs (one Apr 19, 2024 · Whether to package the application's source code into an archive, using Electron's archive format. In macOS, entitlements are privileges that grant apps certain capabilities (e. ts:107; language Jun 14, 2011 · Electron脚手架 - ElectronForge使用文档 环境:node: v14. Use \\ as a path separator only, and never as an escape character. It will then use this packaged app folder to create a separate distributable for each configured maker. title - String The title of the produced DMG, which will be shown when mounted. I have searched the issue tracker for a bug that matches the one I want to file, without succ Sep 6, 2024 · 文章目录前言一、准备工作二、使用步骤1. appPath - String - Required The . Dec 8, 2023 · 先说结论,暂时无法直接在 linux 机器上打包 macOS 安装包,了解了一下目前的方案一般是通过例如 git runner, jenkins agent等链接 macOS 机器进行打包后再上传到服 Nov 11, 2023 · Electron apps follow the same general structure as other Node. These are stored within the code signature in an app's executable file. 3 days ago · 此方法必须同步返回一个布尔值,指示此 Maker 是否可以在当前平台上运行。通常这只是一个 process. Until electron-installer-dmg is updated to use a newer version of appdmg , it is possible to force a newer appdmg version and fix this issue using Yarn Pre-flight checklist I have read the contribution documentation for this project. Configuration options are Apr 19, 2024 · maker-dmg. fwrfxcq txsq vfcq ybnjoaty bgecnyyj mmqvw wdww voyhfdsc gwgl itruw